Der Kurpfuscher und seine fixen Töchter (1980)

Der Kurpfuscher und seine fixen Töchter (1980)

About the poster:

Original vintage movie poster from exYugoslavia

EXyu title: lazne kceri laznog doktora

This movie poster is in Very  GOOD condition, see picture, folded 2x

Format is approx 27" X 19" inches ( 69 X 48 cm. )

Poster looks MUCH BETTER than on picture.

THIS posters were used for theatres displays and they never were for public sale.

A smooth-talking rogue assumes the identity of the new village doctor, and soon has a thriving practice with the help of three quick-witted "daughters".

Director: Franz Marischka
Writer: Franz Marischka
Stars: Peter Steiner, Fred Stillkrauth, Ursula Buchfellner